40K CAMPAIGN: Badab War: Week 1

can twist the noble into the craven, the defender of the
just into the ruthless criminal? Does the seed of evil lay
within the heart from the beginning, patiently awaiting
its time to blossom? Or, is it a deadly shard, twisting
like glass into the heart of the pure, tainting it with its
Round 1 Results:
Lamenters under command of Captain Lukas Heroically Intervene on Turn 3 to destroy the inoperative titan Deus Castigator with meltabombs despite the resolute efforts of Librarian Durja and Novamarines 1st Badab Strikeforce. Disabling this potent engine of war will surely give the rebels an advantage down the road.
Lamenters win Blind Barrage asset for the traitorous Rebel slime.
Howling Griffons under Chaplain Delgado successfully defend their Lance Battery from an onslaught by the Mantis Warriors on the desert planet Icarus. With such a decisive blow, surely the Mantis Warriors will begin to pull back to their jungle homeworld?
Howling Griffons win Blind Barrage asset for the Glorious forces of the Almighty God-Emperor.
The glorious Exorcists server the Emperor well, protecting their Lance Battery from a feeble attack by the traitorous Mantis Warriors. It is said that Chief Librarian Merrin of the Exorcists gravely wounded Chapter Master Mantodea of the Mantis Warriors.
Exorcists win Blind Barrage asset for the Glorious forces of the Almighty God-Emperor.
Astral Claws win Trophy Kill asset for the traitorous Rebel slime.
The galaxy’s greenest Land Raider isn’t enough to bring victory to the Sons of Medusa against a combined assault of Executioners and Astral Claws. Master Lavosier kills many green-clad Terminators.
Astral Claws and Executioners win Trophy Kill asset for the traitorous Rebel slime.