40K NEWS: Forgeworld Weathering Powders

A quick one this Saturday Morning.
Forgeworld is releasing a line of weathering powders for advanced modelers looking for that extra bit of superdetail on their models.
Check em out here, along with a PDF guide on their use here.
The full set of 6 is 14.70 Pounds (also available as individuals), and these ship out on September 28.
~MIG and Tamiya were the only source of this type of detailing product in the past. It seems that Forgeworld is branching out in the wake of their Masterclass book, and providing the “upper tier” of products you would normally have to scout out at scale-model shops.
I have used the Tamiya powders before, and you can pull off some amazing effects easily that are almost impossible to get with traditional paint. Very cool stuff.