40K DEEP THOUGHT: Instant Death Edition
Let’s talk a little today about Instant Death. Its been around for a long time (3rd edition), but it seems like the availability of hard-hitting weapons grows with every edition. Eternal Warrior has been added to many characters to somewhat nerf its ability, but tonight I walked around many, many game tables, plus a couple of Apocalypse ones, and saw IC, after IC, after IC laid low to opportunistic melta shots, and the ever-present powerfist sergeants (who even with the increased cost of powerfists, are not going anywhere).
My question is do you think the Instant Death mechanic on balance helps the game? What may have been added to the game as a balancing factor to show the effects of the heaviest of weapons, now just seems to drain a lot of the fun and excitement out of the game as your coolly equipped guys keeps getting taken out by squad leaders (who are the real unkillable guys in the game right now)
~Whats your take? Has Instant Death pushed the real power in the game away from ICs and into squad upgrade characters? Should Instant Death stay, go, or is it just about right at doing what it was originally designed to do? The floor is your’s generals