Goatboy’s 40k Thoughts: Counts As?

Hi Goatboy here, on Saturday I popped in real quick to 40k Radio and chatted up with the guys there. The big question they were asking me, besides ragging on me for eating during the last one (I was hungry jerks! And to get a body this fine you gots to feed it!), they wanted to see my take on a counts as army. Well I usually find them to be ok as long as you do a few things to ensure that the game still stays intact.
First of all, we have to make sure your army is at least equipped right. If you have to ask what everything is equipped with, I would probably advise you not to play the game. I strive to make sure my own Space Wolves Goats will all be equipped properly. It is the only way to keep the same game experience even with models that are not what is normally made to fit that role. So make sure all your models at least have weapons that would fit the style of equipment they are using.
Correct Basing/Model Footprint
Nothing is worse then someone abusing a base size. When the model you are trying to replace with something different, make sure that they are on the same base. This also works the same with using vehicles that are different from the normal GW ones. As long as you get the right footprint for the model, the game can still work from its basic rules. Those sizes are designed to very specific for the model. It helps you see how many can assault the unit, as well as finding out what side you are hitting when you are shooting at the model.
Does it fit?
Probably one of the most important counts as rule is to make sure your models fit. It is one thing to run a fairly Viking based army that is chaotic looking as a Space Wolves army, but it is another thing to call your IG army an ork army. Make sure your theme creates the right modeling opportunities that still fit within the greater 40k universe.
I don’t have any test Space Goats finished as of yet, as it has been raining here in Austin and I haven’t had the chance to get some guys based. I am hoping the army’s tweak towards Goats and Chaos will make for a really neat and distinctive army on the tabletop.
If you have any thoughts on playing or fighting against counts-as armies, lets hear em. If you have a really cool counts as army, post a link to it in the comments. It would be great to see a bunch of really awesome models here for others to get some inspiration. As usual shoot me an email to [email protected].