40K RUMORS: Latest Hive Fleet Whispers
Rumors brought to the community by warseer’s: bobix
Latest scuttlebutt making the rounds: (its a little tough to read, but it’s unaltered)
“-gargoyle : flying/rending/6points
-genestealers 2 brand of : the elite with a 4+ sv and the troop one with the generic save (5+ ? can’t remenber). Infiltrate/fleet but don’t know if all can do it or if you need to buy an upgrade or a special character.
-tyrant bodyguard can be taken separately
-an apocalypse sized creature is in the codex, it enter in play with a deep strike (in fact an underground strike) with the large template strengh 8 and ap : low (3 maybe, but was something sick) and can make a “buckload” of firing !
-Multiple carnifex can be bought with only one slot.
-warrior got something new but can’t remember (i think it was +1hp)
-I heard something about a model shooting 20 times but was speaking with a girl a this point, so i can’t say if it’s was a weapon or multiple weapon on the same model.
-one eyes, red terror and friends are back in the codex. “
~Standard caveats on this latest batch. Most of these are in the plausible range. Also, various merchants are getting release schedules showing the Tyranids will be out the first week of January. We should be seeing the standard advance order/black box patterns developing by the end of the month.