40K TACTICS: Hybrid Drop Pod Lists

Hybrid Drop Pod Armies
Space Marines are one of the armies that have a huge advantage for the use of mech. If you look at the codex’s theme, it is designed for quick assaults and a rapid movement. So if you take this in effect with using drop pods, you can create a list that brings precision strike Drop pods, with a mix of the battlefield maneuverability of Rhinos or Land Raiders. You can use the pods in different ways for these hybrid lists and I want to go through some of the methods. First let’s take a quick view at deployment.
Define the Battlefield on YOUR Terms
The advantage of a drop pod army is that you define the battlefield. Your opponent either has to set up without any knowledge of where you will strike, or they have to depend on them rolling a 4+ for that turn two reserve rush. This gives you a distinct advantage that mixed with a hybrid list, can give you multiple avenues of threat as well as a large amount of strategic ability and time to outplay your opponent, early-game when it really counts.
If you force your opponent to come in reserve you are able to keep him pushed back against the board edge with your highly mobile force and also secure key areas that you need with your Drop pods. Note though you have to be careful when you are keeping your opponent on the backfield that even with transports that can move 12 inches on the board you need to keep your tanks and vehicles around the 20 inch line until you are ready to commit with two or three units. When you are playing a opponent that is going to reserve his army you need to be ready to handle setting up a perimeter that will cluster his forces in the back area, and create a pocket that will keep him locked in.
Neuter Enemy Mobility
First the drop pods can be used to take out your opponent’s mech/movement advantages. You could use the pods as a surgical strike to cut out the Land Raider you might be seeing across the table. You could also use it to hit an enemy before he has a chance to Fortune up. This surgical strike is a great thing to use a pod for, as the unit’s mission is not to capture and hold, it is used to hamper and cripple the enemy to allow your other elements to utilize their advantages. This works great with a regular Tactical squad filled with melta or as a way to drop a dreadnought in the middle of your opponent’s important stuff. Watch as you are able to hamstring your opponent and he is forced to foot slog across the table. Your mixed army can then out-maneuver your opponent as you control all aspects of the shooting/assault with your superior tanks.
Decoy from the Skies
Another use of a Drop pods can be used as bait for your army. Drop them down in front of the enemy and watch as your opponent assaults them or drop them to a flank and where your opponent will have to turn resources to them. Your mechanized units will have time to get into position and be able to support your forward units. You can also use this as to divide and conquer your opponent if he is forced to divide his army to deal with units that hit him from the sides. When you drop things in front or sides of your enemy, it creates a tension they have to try and deal with. This allows you to have more chances to move into position, as well as create a big wave of assault that can bring the enemy to its knees.
Aerial Irritants
Thirdly since you can drop pods without guys in them, you can let your pods contest objectives as your guys get down to business holding back objectives or moving them for back shots. This coincides with the whole bait idea from above, but instead of putting something too important to live, you plan on using the pods as a hindrance to your opponent. Nothing is worse than losing because you couldn’t blow up armor 12(ask Jwolf). Making an opponent turn around means you have the movement advantage but you have to be able to capitalize on it.
Some of you asked for a typical space marine list so here you go (this list is for my new Soul Drinkers army which will be coming to you in a hobby article soon)
Soul Drinkers: 2000 pts
HQ: Sarpedon count as Tigurius
HQ Chaplin Iktinos count as Cassius
Elite: Ironclad Heavy Flamer and melta gun with drop pod
Elite: Normal Dreadnough with multi melta and drop pod
Elite: 5 man Assault terminators with land raider Crusader
Troop: tactical squad with missle launcher, melta gun and melta combi and drop pod
Troop: tactical squad with missle launcher, melta gun and melta combi and Rhino
Fast attack: Scout Bike squad with locator beacon and Grenade launchers + melta gun combi
Fast attack: 3 land speeders with multi melta. Run in a squadron or detached from themselves personal preference here.
~I’d love to hear you thoughts on the list and hybrid drop-pod tactics. The floor is your’s generals. Darkwynn out.