WFB RUMORS: Beastmen Latest

“I’ll start off by saying that the Gor & Ungor plastic boxes are not bad, I think that came across quite badly on my post on Warseer, they are just too alike the existing kits to be of any real note.
Gors have some new poses, some new weapons (not options – just different weapons – i.e. maces) and shields.
Ungors are a little different to the existing models, they have some different heads (one or two I’m not too keen on – especially what I am assuming is the Ungor unit Champion head) they still come with options for spears, shields, hand weapons but now come with short bows.
As a bit of an exclusive (as well as to show I am really me and not someone using the same user name) for you guys, I’ll be happy to tell you that there is a Shaman named special character called “Malagor the Dark Omen” and a Centigor special character called “Ghorros Warhoof”, sadly neither model is great.”
“Ungors (new ones) come with 20mm bases, I’m really hoping that there is still an option to have a mixed herd if not looks like I’ll be having to remove my current Ungors from their current bases, which frankly is a pain in the arse but not unheard of.
The new gors come with hand weapons, there is no option for halberds on the sprue so I’m guessing there won’t be that option in the book either. Perhaps some conversions would be in order so you could still use the old ones.
There appear to be no “vanilla” characters in the first wave of releases, which is a bit dissapointing as I would have really liked a couple of new shaman minis. The centigor character Ghorros is quite plain, he is slightly rearing has a horn on his right side and is armed with a club with a couple of spikes through it, he also has hooves which I thought was unusual as the other centigor have clawed feet, however as his name contains “hoof” I guess it would have been odd if he had claws. A nice touch on the character is the head, he appears to be wearing the skull of a unicorn pushed down over his horns, and for me it’s the only real high point of the model. I would recommend buying the Mordheim centigor and doing a headswap as a basis for a centigor character (if indeed the book has that as a hero choice).
I’m really looking forward to the book most of all, as we’ve all read the rumours about the loss of Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres, Dragon Ogres & Shaggoths, so they’ll need to add some new units other than the Razorgor to flesh the list out.”
~Standard caveats apply until the black boxes start shipping out. Have at it guys…