WFB RUMORS: Beasts of Chaos

Rumors brought to the community by Scryer in the Darkness and Grimgorironhide
Following up on earlier hints from Games Workshop, the first real rumor dumps of the Beast of Chaos armybook have arrived:
Scryer in the Darkness says:
Doombull (Metal Box) – TBD
Grulgor* (Metal Box) – TBD
Gors (Plastic Box) – TBD
Ungors (Plastic Box) – TBD
Bestigors (Plastic Box) – 32,50 €
Minotaurs (Plastic Box) – 35,00 €
And the Chariot got a new product code, though that may not necessarily mean it’s getting a new model.
Gors (Plastic Box) – £15.00 / US?? / 19,50 € / Oz$41.00
Ungors (Plastic Box) – £15.00 / US?? / 19,50 € / Oz$41.00
Bestigors (Plastic Box) – £25.00 / US?? / 32,50 € / Oz$69.00
Minotaurs (Plastic Box) – £27.00 / US?? / 35,00 € / Oz$74.00
But the metal box codes are a bit muddied by the multitude of new codes for existing metal products that aren’t actually going to to be getting new kits. I have three metal products that are “new”, I’m pretty certain the first two are Doombull and Grulgor respectively, and I get the feeling that the £35 box is just the existing Centigors. So I’ll just leave these unassigned for the moment until I can get a confirmation on what is actually new and what has just been given a new product code:
(Metal Box) – £15.00 / US$25.00 / 22,50 € / Oz$44.00
(Metal Box) – £25.00 / US$41.25 / 32,50 € / Oz$69.00
(Metal Box) – £35.00 / US$57.75 / 50,00 € / Oz$96.00
and Grimgorironhide adds:
“Not sure if already posted but I found this off warhammer forums.
“Beastmen due out at the start of March.
*** Herds/Ungors are still mixed and rank up 5 wide. Champions no longer confer a +1 LD bonus – however the majority of beast units and characters have went up 1 in LD.
*** Ambush is still available to the herds.
*** Minotaur lords are still available and have access to Beast mutations. Makes minotaurs core.
*** Chariots are now special choices but 2 for 1.
*** Centigors are core and fast cav however you still need to take gors/ungors/bestigors to fill up your core slots.
*** Gorgon is the new monster in the Rare spots.
*** Centigor Hero available
*** Beastlords with LD9″
The width issue is a no brainer to be fixed, I think we can take that as a given. I have also heard talk about different “breeds” of warhounds perhaps being available… I’m guessing this might be as simple as buying them poisoned attacks/regeneration/clown shoes and red noses etc etc.
I gather the roles of the Shaman and the Minotaurs will be expanded upon in this release.. makes sense and is, again, a kind of retrotastic move by GW back towards the RoC era fluff.”
~Standard caveats on all this stuff, but there has been Beasts of Chaos chatter for a LONG time out there. Reported relase date is March 2010.