40K TACTICS: The Shadow in the Warp Approaches

OK guys, today is theoryhammer day. All you armchair generals and gameplay theorists, this is your thread.
We don’t have the final rules for the Tyranid codex yet, but we have enough from this thread to begin to put some pieces together. The picture that is emerging is of a greatly enhanced armylist with many, many more tactical options than the Hive Fleets have ever had before. Here are a few of the eye-opening highlights:
-Waves of Monstrous creatures in the form of the game’s first monstrous creature squads (1-3 Carnifexes per HS slot), and Trygon/Mawlocs.
-Deepstriking big scary beasts (Trygons/Mawlocs, with the possiblity of “re-deepstriking” into other locations mid-game if the rumors hold up)
-Hiveguard provide a heavily armored fireplatform with long range and no-LoS required (something that sounds like it belongs in the Tau codex)
-3 wound Warriors as troop selections will make for a multi-purpose robust meatshield option taking some time to blast through (basically what IG Ogryn wish they were).
-Mobile cover generators in the form of Venomthropes
-Without number hordes allows for the ultimate in expendable screens and distraction units.
A lot of these tactical abilities are unheard of for bugs (or anyone else in some cases). So how do you see bug players embracing these abilities. What tactical builds and possiblities do you envision, and for you prey species out there (that means everyone else) how do you think you will need to adjust your lists and tactics to deal with a codex packing all of that. Finally how do you think the meta-game will shift to accomodate our newest codex?
~I’ll start it off… I think this codex may be the beginning of the end of melta-spam. The floor is your’s Generals.