HOBBY REVIEW: Secret Weapon Miniatures

Hi Guys, today I want to review a new upcoming basing and accessories company: Secret Weapon Minatures. This is a new American company with an exciting and expanding product line. Secret Weapon has given us a set of sample bases to review, and you can see the images above.
Secret Weapon produces 2 main lines of resin bases covering all the standard base sizes including:
Bike Bases
Display Bases
These come in urban and trenchworks themes (trenchworks seen above), with more on the way. The detail on these bases is very crisp as you can see from the top picture, and they are full of deep texture, making them very quick and easy to paint up. The Display Bases in particular are very interesting kits, and are perfect for those wanting that extra special basing option for your painting competition entries, or a a great start to a muddy, trench themed display board. The 60mm bases are perfect for weapon teams from a variety of miniature ranges.
What really excites me about Secret Weapon is their new Etched Brass line. They have started out with basic lettering and classic runes, but its great to see a wargames accessory maker venturing into this product category. Etched brass is usually the domain of high-end scale modelers and is virtually unheard of outside of Forgeworld’s recent forays. With a little practice, these sets can have an almost endless set of applications on any tabletop miniatures army.
They have also rolled out a new line of ready to go basing kits that including flock, snow, ballast, and other accessories, each designed to provide you with a single purchase solution for a specific basing theme. There are new products for all of these lines in the works. For a new company just starting out, color me impressed.
Go check them out at www.secretweaponminiatures.com, and don’t forget to see what extra deals they have provided for BoLS readers in the BoLS Bargains Section.