HOBBY CHALLENGE: To Build a Tervigon/Tyrannofex

You heard me right, its been too long since BoLS has had a good old fashioned hobby challenge and what better event to tie it to than the new Tyranid codex! Did I mention prize support?
So lets get right down to it readers. Your challenge is to submit to the BoLS emailbox 1-3 high-quality pictures of the following:
-Your choice of a converted Tervigon or Tyrannofex (look for the drawings in the tyranid codex). It should be inspired from the codex descriptions and drawings, and use GW parts as much as possible.
-It may be painted as you see fit, in the style of any of the myriad hivefleets from the codex or your imagination.
-Weathering, fine detail work, fancy bases and the like are all acceptable to dress up your entry.
-Shoot 2 pictures against a well-lit white background. Trust me, I can’t tell you how many cool entries have been disqualified because they were shot up against a dark, busy background, so please take the time to at least set up a curved piece of paper and a good light to shoot them against.
-Shoot 1 picture of the beast up against a piece of paper that says “Bell of Lost Souls” somewhere on it (just print a screenshot of the site from your browser).
-One or two sentences of fluff describing the model, and its construction methods.-Email the entries with the subject line “NID CHALLENGE” to the BoLS emailbox.