40K RUMORS: Blood Angels On The Lam?
Ok everybody, all kinds of Blood Angels shenanigans are breaking and this whole codex release window is starting to look like a WWE match. It’s down and dirty, and messy. Lets see what the last few weeks have brought us:
January 10th: Games Workshop releases the first press release announcing the Blood Angels in April.
January 14th: The first wave of Blood Angels rumors start percolating around the internet. From it we get our first taste of:
January 30th: The first wave dies down, and is broadly believed to be based on quazi-early drafts/ wishlisting, and generally unreliable with small nuggets of truth
February 6-7th: A second wave of rumors drop all over the internet. These are said to be much more robust and fill in many of the earlier rumored holes in the late January wave. There is reported talk of the following:
–Storm Harbinger (renamed Tantalus Lander)
-Death Company Dreadnoughts
-Astorath the Grim (protected by a aura of blood)
-Commander Dante (doubling his assault kills for combat resolution purposes)
-Gabriel Seth (armed with an Eviscerator)
-Techmarines (allowing Tactical Squads to upgrade to Land Raider transports)
-Librarian Furioso Dreadnoughts (who can devastate vehicles with an electric psychic blast)
and much more…
February 9th: Games Workshop is reported to remark that a leaked copy of the Blood Angel rules was out and about. This is taken by many as confirmation that the 2nd wave rumors are correct, and legitimate, if not final rules.
At this point, people are generally running around planning armies, saving up money, and sceaming thanks to the heavens regarding the rumored Blood Angel rules. Some even go so far as to theorize that we may be seeing a coordinated viral marketing campaign in action, seeing that the codex is still scheduled for April.
~I have my doubts on that viral marketing one, but it is still an episode in complete contrast to the relatively silent Beastmen release. Odd times indeed. What’s your take on all of this? Giant snafu, well oiled marketing campaign, or just dumb luck working out in the end?