THQ CEO Speaks of 40k MMO

The CEO of THQ spoke this week of the upcoming Warhammer 40,000 MMO. Here’s what he had to say:
“World of Warcraft is a great game, but as you know in entertainment, there’s always the juggernaut and that means there’s opportunities out there for the right MMO, said Farrell. ” What we love about the Warhammer 40K MMO is that it’s different in that it’s a sci-fi, futuristic-based world. We’re not competing directly in the orcs and elves fantasy environment that World of Warcraft is in. We can differentiate ourselves.”
“We have an experienced team building it. On the PC alone, the Warhammer 40K series has sold over five million units, so there’s an audience there that likes that universe,” he added. “We think there’s always competition in every market, but you got to have an x-factor, a point of differentiation, and we think we’ve got that.”
“The way we’re building the 40K MMO, and we think it’s the right way, is with a flexible business model in mind. We think the subscription model still works in North American and Europe, It’s more challenging in Asia, so we’re building it in a way that we can either use time-based sessions or microtransactions as the business model in different markets,”
~Read the full remarks here. In any case THQ has promised something to see by E3, to I’m sure the developers are burning the midnight oil to make that date. It definately sound like THQ is trying to diplomatically give WoW a wide berth and not be seen as being in direct competition with it, like Warhammer AoR was.