WFB RUMORS: Schedule Rumors

So with the Beastmen upon us, the speculation moves forward to who will be next on the Warhammer Fantasy Front. The two biggest contenders are currently Ogre Kingdoms and Tomb Kings.
Lets start with the Ogres first. There is a lot of chetter out there these days regarding the Ogre Kingdoms coming to an updated Army book sooner than later. A lot of the secondary hobby and testing preparations that surround book releases have been reported. Nothing directly regarding rules, but there is a lot of stuff from a lot of diffeent directions saying that the big guys are on the move in some fashion.
That said, there is still just as much chatter pointing to an update of Tomb Kings in Q2. These are generally older rumors, and have a set of listed rules rumors. (courtesy of the vanished Hennesy of Warseer)
Undead rule:
– Will stay the same in principle but you may take a stand&shoot reaction now.Magic:
– Will also stay the same with some minor changes:
– Incantation of summoning reanimates D6 / 2D6 wounds
– Tomb princes have 6” range like tomb kings
– Tomb kings and princes have the option to generate dispel dice and energy dice (dispel spells in play only)Undead Construct rule:
– Will stay the same“It Came From Below…” rule:
– Will stay the sameThe Curse:
– Will stay the sameCasket of Souls
– Will have three different incantations to choose:
– One incantation healing D3 wounds of all friendly units and characters on the field
– One incantation similar to the current one
– One incantation moving D3 units
– Will grant a ward save to it’s crew and attached priestsTomb Prince:
– Magic changes, see above
– Strength 5
– If a tomb prince is the general you may take one unit of chariots as a core unit
– May be given the battle standardAdvertisementBattle Standard Bearer:
– New name (unknown)
– May be given the battle standard but may be used without as well
– May ride on a skeleton horse or in a chariot
– No magic
– Killing blow
– WS5, S4, T4, A3Skeleton Warriors:
– Wear light armour without further costsSkeleton Light Horsemen:
– May be given light armour
– May be given Spears and ShieldsSkeleton Heavy Horsemen:
– Are out!Tomb Guard:
– 9(!) points/modelAdvertisementUshabti:
– 4+ armour save (including undead construct)
– 5+ ward save
– M6
– 55 points/modelCarrions:
– S4
– CheaperTomb Scorpion:
– more expensive (about 100 points)
– 5 wounds (!)Bone Giant:
– equipment options (similar to Warhammer chronicles)
The options have been a baublery in the past, they will stay a baublery in the future.Subscribe to our newsletter!Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox.By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Screaming Skull Catapult:
– Every model touched is hit, not only on 4+.
The way it is in the Skaven book. Maybe a hint of what to come in the 8th edition rule book?
~If Fantasy 8th is still on track for Summer, only 1 of these will fit in the schedule, and the other gets kicked way back. Based on the longevity and details involved, I’d put my 2 cents on Tomb Kings but you never can tell.