40K NEWS: Forgeworld Phantom Titan & More!!! (Pics)

HOLY COW!!! Forgeworld had their open day yesterday in Nottingham, and my oh my check out the amazing stuff they unveiled.
Everyone expected to see a bunch of Ork, Raven Guard, and Imperial Guard stuff from the upcoming Imperial Armour:8 book, but I think everyone was flabbergasted to lay eyes on an Eldar Phantom titan. This baby is one of the iconic eldar models that was literally more a dedace ahead of its time when it was first released for Epic almost 20 years ago. It’s modern update by Forgeworld is just awesome, and its not even done.
Here is a partial rundown of what was shown. These images come to us via our good friend Philbrad over at Warseer.
~I can’t even tell you how excited I am to see the mighty return of the Phantom (and with new weapon options like that giant close combat weapon). This of course means, that rules are on the way.