40K NEWS: Spearhead White Dwarf Supplement

Games Workshop announced a new Warhammer 40k gameplay supplement called Spearhead that will be included in the June issue. Here is what they have to say:
Spearhead is a new way to play Warhammer 40,000 that enables you to unleash exciting tank battles and daring breakthrough missions on the table top, bringing the full mechanised fury of the 41st Millennium to bear in your games. June’s White Dwarf will contain the main part of the supplement, including new rules, missions and plenty of inspirational hobby advice. Alongside this, games-workshop.com will feature additional material for registered members such as details for how to assemble your Spearhead formations along with even more painting, modelling and collecting tips.
Captain Ventris says to look for:
– recut leman russ with remaining russ options
– recut predator with updated sponsons
– ork warbuggy/wartrack/skorcha kit (makes one model)
– eldar fire prism (plastic kit)
~We haven’t seen one of these White Dwarf supplements in a long time, since the days of the fancy 40k and Fantasy global campaigns. This one seems like an armored-vehicle focussed variant of the Planetstrike style gameplay additions. Based on how the Blood Angels White Dwarf codex was recieved, it seems an interesting decision as opposed to just releasing this as a standalone book. There will be a plastic 40k miniatures release slot to go along with this in June, so we’ll see what comes of this.