Fantasy Tactica: Fear Not

These days 90% of the tournament field is causing fear or terror. Whether its the whole army or just a part of it depends on the army. Well lets look on how to minimize the impact of those scary guys with 3 different solutions.
Be Scary Yourself
Probably the easiest solution is to cause fear/terror yourself. Now every army doesn’t always have this option. Dwarfs and Bretts come to mind as lacking in the offensive pysch department. One thing not all fantasy players know is that your whole unit doesn’t necessarily have to cause fear/terror. If a character inside the unit is a fear/terror causer then he transfers its immunity to the unit. Consider deploying a Gorbull in Ungors, a chaos sorcerer on demonic mount in some warriors, or a scar veteran on a cold one in some saurus.
NOTE🙁 Now, this doesn’t work both ways. If you don’t have to fight the fear/terror guy you don’t have to take that test. Ex. The character fear causer is in the front rank. Any unit charging in the rear would not have to take a fear test if the unit itself doesn’t cause fear.)
Use Scary Magic Items
Ok, well what if you don’t have naturally fear causing characters? Since we are playing warhammer lets look at our magic items. There are a plethora of psychology items in this edition. A few off the top: Empire-Icon of fear what punk(Magnus), Dark Elf-Pearl of I don’t care(Infinite Bleakness), Dwarfs-Runic Standard of Ur not scary(Rune of Courage), etc… Consider making room in your lists to include similar trinkets if your opponents are using scare tactics.
Bring Capable Leaders
Leadership and generalship is the final way to get around fear/terror. Keeping your troops in range of your general is the best way you can increase your odds of passing fear tests. Another way is pursuing into your enemies units. If you pursue or overrun into your enemy you do not have to take fear tests. If you can get that Tiranoc chariot to pass its fear test to charge a screening unit of Direwolves. It won’t have to take another one when it overruns into the ghouls behind.
What about it BoLS? Do you have trouble passing fear tests? Do you play a scary army and don’t take them? Never leave home without your terror causing sword? Lets hear yout tips and tricks to deal with terrifying world of warhammer Fantasy.