Goatboy’s 40k Thoughts: Blood Angels – aka da Goat Angels

So I am sure everyone has heard of the new Blood Angels book. I am sure most have seen it, or read about the rules in there. So today, I want to kinda show you where I think I will be going with the new book.
I thought about painting up a whole bunch of new red marines, but in a rather glorious bit of thinking I decided to just add onto my Space Goats, with a new religious group of Goatmen called the Goat Angels. The basic trooper will be red, with the leader class and death company going white as they are closer to the one and only true Goat God.
You will see them start to pop up in the coming months as I plan out what I want to do with them. I’ve been told I need to make winged Goats by JWolf. The idea of goats flying through the sky does make me laugh a bit. So without further ado lets look at what I want to do with a list.
Goat Angels – Revenge of the GOAT! (2000pts)
HQ: The Goat Pope (aka Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host)
Elites: Furioso Librarian Dreadnought (Bloodlance, and Jump Pack power)
Elites: Furioso Librarian Dreadnought (Bloodlance, and Jump Pack power)
Elites: Goat Bishops (aka Sanguinary High Priest) (3), Power Weapon X 3
Troops: The Great Sacrifice (Death Company) (10), Rhino
Troops: Death Company Dread, Blood Talons
Troops: Death Company Dread, Blood Talons
Troops: Assault Squad (5), Meltagun, No Jump Packs, Powerfist, Razorback, TWL Hvy Flamer
Troops: Assault Squad (5), Meltagun, No Jump Packs, Powerfist, Razorback, TWL Hvy Flamer
Troops: Assault Squad (5), Meltagun, No Jump Packs, Powerfist, Razorback, TWL Hvy Flamer
FA: Baal Predator
FA: Baal Predator
So yes this is the first build design I plan on throwing down with the Blood Angels in the coming months. I love dreadnoughts. I wanted to play more, but feel 4 is probably just right. I am not running them in pods, as I can always decide to reserve them and with the jump pack power as well as Fleet on the Death Company dreads, I should get to where I want to be. I also am taking a big point sink in a character because the idea of a Goat Pope is just too funny.
The thought is, if you go first, rush forward with the Death Company to hopefully tie something up as well as the Dreads and everything else running behind. The Goat Pope will descend from the heavens and be annoying too. The two Baals will always be around, hopefully coming from the sides to do some damage. And as a plus, I get to say I am free Baalin’.
That is all the thoughts anyway. Like I said, the big Special Character will probably go for something cheaper as well as looking at losing a Death Company dread to get more scoring butts on the field. I want to really test out the Librarian dreads to see if they are worth it too. Leadership 10 Psychic Hoods are pretty awesome and can really put a hurt on Tyranids, as well as anything else with annoying Mind Powers (Talking to you pointie eared Fritz Freaks).
So this is the first Goatboy list for the new and improved Blood Angels. Or as I like to call them – SUPER SPACE VAMPIRES 40,000! As usual send me your thoughts and opinions to my email at [email protected]. FEAR THE GOAT!
Here are some of the new Ork Killa Kans painted up. The model is pretty cool, with lots of extra bits and a whole lot of just Space Orky kick ass. They were fun to put together as well as paint. If you are thinking of Kans, go get this kit. It is probably one of the best dollar per mini cost from GW in a long time.