Goatboy’s 40k Thoughts: Making the Game Experience Easy

Goatboy here again and today I wanted to talk about how to make the game a better experience. This is one of the ways to ensure that you have fun as well as your opponent has fun. This lets the game not become a thing of winning or losing, but more of a way spend a few hours with friends. So I want to give some of my common sense tips I use during any of my games.
Tip 1: Don’t be a Douche
We all know those players that just try to bully their way into winning. So this tip is probably the easiest to recognize and hopefully resolve. If wanting to win so bad lets you throw any kind of social convention out the door then you really need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are playing a game with a massive amount of random chance in it. Whenever I play I am looking to have fun first of all. I know sometimes I have come across as a jerk and it has been my mission lately to pull away from that. So this first tip is the starting point into having more fun.
Tip 2: Help Players Remember Their Army
I don’t know about you, but there are plenty of times I have forgotten a unit or two. Whenever an opponent begins their shooting/assault phase I make sure that they have looked at all of their units to ensure they have done what they wanted to do. I don’t like winning on what is normally a tired mistake. When an opponent starts to shoot I help them go through each model and make sure they did everything they were supposed too.
Tip 3: Help Calculate Wounds
Whenever an opponent is rolling wounds I keep track of all the wounds caused. This way I can be sure as well as the opponent. It also helps so I know how many dice I need to throw in some hopes to ignore the grievous damage. This just helps keep the book keeping of the game to a minimum by splitting it up between both of the players.
Tip 4: Asking A Player What They Want To Do
I’ve played many a player that fidgets with his models, trying to ensure they get a cover save. If I see a player doing this, I ask what they are trying to do, and if I see if it is feasible I just say it happens. Nothing is more annoying and time consuming that trying to find exactly the so-called perfect spot. Just telling them that you get it alleviates a lot of pressure as well as let the game flow a lot better. This also helps whenever they are trying to do an assault or anything else. If they were trying to do something and they might have goofed a bit you can help them out. I know this is against the normal competitive player thought, as any mistake is a way to capitalize but you helping them also helps you to recognize what you need to do too.
Tip 5: 5+ Cover save
The half vehicle obscuration rule can be a pain in the rear sometimes. With these vehicles that break the normal shape and size it can be hard to really decide what is actually going on. Normally I just say get a 5+ because at the very least this will most likely make the game more exciting. Of course if he throws 7 of them in a row I might be annoyed but hey those games will just happen.
These little 5 tips can help you have a lot more fun during these competitive events. None of them are allowing the opponent to break the rules these are just ways to help stop some of the stress of the game. The next time you throw down, try them out and see how much player friction leaves the game.
Next week I plan on going into some Blood Angels tactica utilizing all reserves and other refused flank style missions. If you have a question shoot me an email to [email protected].