The 19th Hole – Blood Angels – Codicers Arm

Hi everybody Darkwynn here. Welcome to my new column, the 19th Hole. After moving away from Imperial guard I wanted to look at other army list and going to start creating list that will be solid but yet should still be fun for you and your opponent to have fun with. Looking at the power of core army books and building list around that. The overall goal of these lists will be to create strong potent lists that can win competive games, yet still provide a great fun time on the tabletop for BOTH players and not be a tedious or dreadful to play. Lets take at look at this week’s list from codex Blood Angels.
“Codicers Arm” (2000pts)
Librarian x2
-Jump pack x2
-Unleash rage, Fear of darkness
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought
-Wings, blood lance
Sanguinary priestx3
-Jump pack x2
-Power weapon x2
10 man Assault Squad x2
-Melta gun x2
-Powerfist x1
5 man Assault Squad x2
-Twin linked lascannon Razorback
Baal Predator x2
-Assault Cannon
-Search light
-Siege Shield
7 man Devastator Squad
-4 missile Launchers
The idea behind this list is pretty simple. You have flexibility that very few codexes have. You can start on the board and able to deploy focus fire or you are able to reserve off the board while dropping into key areas or moving fast on. While moving on you can hide behind a wall of vehicles to screen your assault drops while still being able to move out from behind them to attack targets. The army isn’t relaying on tricks or gimmicks but is using subtle synergy’s to boost its effectiveness and using its core strengths from the codex.
I would run the two ten man assault groups next to each other and you should be able to control your charge range when you choose your targets. Let your Razorbacks and Vindicator break out key armor. You only have 4 melta guns which should be enough for games when you face AV 14. You have to send both assault units after that and swarm the Land Raider while blowing it up. It will be a risk but you should have at least 5 weapons that can key on units like that.
I would hide razorbacks in the back field staying out of the 24 inch range threat or at least 36 inches always from your opponent. Razorbacks are very easy to destroy so you have to take advantage of cover or certain key areas to cut off angles while still going after low AV tanks. This will also allow you to move these tanks up to key objectives early on. As for the Vindicator and the two Baals you can use them to screen and play aggressive to put pressure on your opponents. The siege shield works great for tank shocking people in cover and also keeping your tank moving at all times.
And thats this week’s list. I’d love to hear your thoughts on its design as well as you own tweaks and advice. If you have any special requests for next week’s lists, lets hear them. Darkwynn out!