Warhammer Tactica: Undead Tarpit
This goes out to all the VC/TK players. Are dragons eating your zombies for breakfast? Does the Bloodthirster’s Str7 firestorm blade make your lightchariots seem less then stellar. Today I am showing you how to tarpit big lone character models. What I mean by tarpit is: to hold them up for a turn. Buying you time to get out line of sight, set up a big charge, or finish grinding down a unit.
What will you need?
A unit of 7 undead 1 wound models with a champion upgrade. I prefer fast cav because the extra mobility means they can usually get to the desired spots. Vampires do it best with Direwolves. 7 Direwolves with a Doomwolf come in under a 100 points. Tomb Kings can do it as well with light cav at 112 points. The light cav is a bit pricey ,but, they can serve other purposes such as Liche Priest hangouts and they do have 7 bow shots a turn. The light cav also hit a little harder with the extra steed attack over the Direwolves.
How it works?
Charge any big character(Thirster/Dragon rider) with your fast cav. Or protect your flank with this unit and let it be charged by the big character. Make sure that champion is base to base. Next, issue a challenge. That’s it. Unless the character gets support from another unit or can get some kind of magical +1 to combat resolution you are guranteed to hold him there for the turn. No overrunning for him. Use the time you have bought to setup a game winning charge or move out of his line of sight.
Lets do the math!
In a challenge a maximum of 5 overkill can be achieved. EX. Your Doomwolf challenges a Star Dragon with a High Elf Lord on top. A Stardragon has 6 attacks and another 4 from the Lord. The Dragon hits and wounds with all 7 attacks. The High Elf scores 6 for combat resolution(1 wound + Max 5 for overkill). The combat resolution is 6 for the dragon and 1(Outnumber) for the undead. The 6 remaining Direwolves suffer 5 wounds. Leaving a lone Direwolf left. In the example below: you can see the Blackknights and vampire were able to kill all the White Lions and stay relatively safe from the Dragon counter charge.
Any undead players out there BOLS? Do you think you will use this in your next game? How about it?