19th Hole – Chaos Daemons – “Daemons-R-Us”

With the second wave of the daemon miniatures coming out I figured I would have a 19th Hole article around the denizens of the Warp. They should have had the release of the models probably 9 months ago but at least Games Workshop got them out. The list I have for you today can be mixed and matched around. If you want to run Fateweaver you can drop Skarbrand and drop a model from one of the Daemonettes squads or you can drop the big hitters and go run four heralds all the way across. The list can be scaled down and up depending on point size very nicely and will have its hitters in it also. Now to the list…
Daemons-R-Us (2000 points)
Fiends of Slaanesh x5
Fiends of Slaanesh x5
Fiends of Slaanesh x5
Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10
Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5
Seekers of Slaanesh x 10 with transfixing gaze
Seekers of Slaanesh x 10 with transfixing gaze
Soul Grinder with Tongue
Soul Grinder with Tongue
Army Overview
The list focuses on speed and going straight for the throat and overwhelming your opponent. I have run this list before with Fatewaver deep striking as the core of Fiends around himself. This makes sure they will take minimal damage and they can engage the line but it can really take the fun out of a game for an opponent when you start making all of your saves. Now that being said I wanted to try something different and run Skarbrand because he has fleet and the aura which allows everyone to reroll miss in melee and against vehicles. The first wave should be Skarbrand, Fiends, Seekers and one Soul Grinder. This should allow you to deep strike pretty much anywhere and engage next turn with your opponent. If they are going to reserve its still great for you as you’re able to move around the board quickly since you most of your troops move like beasts and have fleet. With the ability to rend, your high initiative and your high number of attacks you really shouldn’t be worried about anyone in melee expect for 2+ save type models but you should be able to rend and make them roll ones by sheer number of attacks.
Tactics and Tips
When you deploy the first wave you need to pick a side and just commit to it with everything you have and deepstrike past the enemy line into their back field. Send Skarbrand after tanks or characters so he can instant kill them in melee. Toughness 5 guys like thunder wolf Calvary you might want to ignore or attack them with support from Fiends or Seekers. Fiends will still be the core of the list as they will be able to take out pretty much anything including tanks but they will get whittled away after time. The Seekers are great screens for them and they can keep up while dealing with regular infantry. If you have a unit of Seekers and Fiends charge any unit from small elite to horde size unit they should do enough damage to wipe them or cripple the unit. They will have 75 attacks on the charge with rerolls from Skarbrand and then you’re looking for rends followed by just crazy numbers of saves that are needed by the victims. Your Soul Grinders are there to go after tanks or specialized units that don’t have the ability to destroy AV targets such as Land Raiders, Sanguinor, Grey Hunters with mark of wulfen, Lootas , and models that really just don’t have anything over strength 7. This should be a fun list as both you and your opponent are going to be interacting with each other, with both rolling tons of dice and just having fun.
That is this week’s list, now remember you can tweak and change it if you want for a softer game and there are things you can do to make it harder but its your choice at the end to use it… Otherwise I’d love to hear your thoughts on its design as well as you own tweaks and advice. If you have any special requests for next week’s lists, let’s hear them or you can message me or put up your own Chaos Daemons lists for discussions on the BoLS Lounge. Darkwynn out!