40K HOBBY: Captain Eurico of the Lamenters First Company

Even done with their one hundred year crusade, where they dove head long into the jaws of a Hive Fleet, it seems cruel fate was not yet done with the Lamenters. Their one saving grace, the fact that they were free of the effects of the Curse, was stripped from them. Now the few hundred Lamenters remaining are doomed to die slowly of madness.
The new Blood Angel Codex declares that this old Cursed Founding chapter now has their founders genetic curse. So I have been using some new army builds, including ones using Tycho. I thought the old model was a little small, and I wanted something more modern and with less BA symbols.
I based my conversion off one of the new Sanguinary Guard models, to get that sculpted chest look. Unfortunately those models are sold out all over the US. Fortunately (for me) an itrepid local gamer had one for me to borrow (thanks Cargill!). I used the actual head of Tycho to help dissuade any of the confusion sometimes associated with ‘counts-as’ characters. Simple job with a hobby saw, and a ball of putty to act as a neck. I gave him a combi-melta from an old limited release metal SM Captain. I figured his ‘Angelus’ would make a good wrist-mounted bolt pistol.
For paint, I went for an opalescent alabaster color. This was achieved in the following way:
1. Skull White undercoat
2. Badab Black wash
3. Dheneb Stone overcoat
4. Skull White highlight
5. Coat of 50/50 Gloss Medium and Interference Blue powdered pigment.
The yellow I did like the rest of my Lamenters, plus some checkers. A little cork and sand for basing, and jobs done.
Let me know what you think of the Lamenters. Aventine out.