40K NEWS: Eldar Night Spinner

The Night Spinner rules are out via the latest White Dwarf. Here’s what the Eldar are getting:
Night Spinner
Twin-linked Doomweaver: 12-72″ S:6 AP: – Heavy 1, Large Blast, Barrage, Rending
Place a marker next to any unit hit. Any such units count as being in difficult and dangerous terrain the next time they move for any reason. After they have competed their next movement, remove the marker.
Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult
12/12/10 Fast, Skimmer, Tank
Standard Eldar vehicle upgrades apply.
NOT a transport.
Costs the same as a Fire Prism
Heavy Support choice
Night Spinner rules are stamped as “Official”
~So I think the Night Spinner is a great tank and here’s why. It is fundamentally a movement inhibitor, and as such is something new for the game. Anything that degrades movement is a force enhancer for the already fast Eldar army. I think the best part is that because the dangerous terrain checks happen the next time a unit moves (as opposed to the next turn), it has the ability to lock down a unit for several turns and can force poor judgement calls on cautious players. Also, a 1 in 6 chance of immobilizing any vehicle is great odds. I will certianly be adding one to my regular warhost. You can follow along with the conversation in the Lounge here.