40k/WFB NEWS: Daemons in August

Hot off the presses from Games Workshop. August will see a release of Chaos Daemons minis. Here’s the details:
In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers – the Chaos Daemons – will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium beneath a tide of blood and destruction. Even now, mystics are assailed by nightmarish visions of horror and death, the fractured minds of madmen echo with sibilant whispers, and the doomed clutch symbols of their weak gods closer to them.
A host of incredible new Citadel miniatures for both Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons armies and Warhammer Daemons of Chaos armies will soon be released upon mortal battlefields.
This would probably include those minis that have been on ice for ages such as plastic horrors, plaguebearers, seekers, and perhaps the plastic daemon prince.
Schedule Rumors
So now we are looking at this schedule for the rest of the year:
June: Spearhead
July: Warhammer Fantasy 8th rulebook
August: Daemons minis release
September: ??? (possible WFB boxed set)
October: ??? (possible 40k release slot)
November: ???
December: ???
~Somewhere in those last four months would be the Warhammer Fantasy boxed set, if GW follows the model and schedule they used for the Warhammer 40k 5th edition release. September would be most likely, leaving October as the next likely 40k codex slot. November is still up for grabs, and GW normally offers holiday deals and special bargains in December.