Warmachine Hobby: Painting Protectorate of Menoth

Hey Guys `n Gals, I just finished up my test mini for my Protectorate of Menoth army and I thought I would share the tutorial with you guys.
So as you can see its a simply Temple Flameguard model. He was actually pretty straight forward to paint. The hardest part by far was the reds. Diving into the project I had fully expected the whites to frustrate me but they were actually extremely easy. I also tried a new technique for gold/bronze and was very happy with the result.
I started the model by painting the whites first. I regret this and in the future I will start with the reds as they were the hardest to complete. The technique I used was as follows:
- Basecoat all the areas you want white with Deneb Stone
- Wash the areas with Devlan Mud
- Go back and paint all the raised areas with Deneb Stone
- Mix a 1:1 ratio of Skull White and Deneb Stone and highlight
- Highlight hard edges with pure skull white
I was extremely happy with the technique. It required only one application of Deneb Stone at each stage. I feel this mainly was because I undercoated the model with Grey. I normally undercoat using black. After this I moved onto the golds. For these I used the following techniques:
- Apply a 1:2 mix of Calthan Brow: Dwarven Bronze (seeing as I mix it with a foundation paint this covers with one pass! Very excited about this)
- Apply a wash of GW’s Brown Ink.Water it down slightly (Lacking this buy a Liquitex replacement)
- Slightly highlight with the 1:2 mix from step one
Once this was done I began the final step. The reds. This was not fun as I expected this to be easy, but it was rather difficult due to coverage issues. Here is the technique:
- Begin with a basecoat of Sanguine Red. This is a P3 paint and requires you to thin it down. I did so with P3 medium. Even still this paint required 2 solid coats of coverage.
- Wash it with Leviathan Purple
- Go back and pick out the raised areas with Sanguine Red
- Highlight with a 1:2 mix of Deneb Stone:Sanguine Red
I’m happy with the result but I found the portion of my army I’m going to hate painting. The maroon/reds.
~ So there you have it. I hope you took away something from the tutorial. This is a simple and effective way to get your Protectorate of Menoth (or any other Red/White/Gold scheme armies) on the table. Keep an eye out as I work on my starter 35 point Menoth List, I`ll be documenting my progress! As always if you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected] or come on over and stop in at First Rank, Second Rank.