Warmachine Poll: King of the Hill Faction Edition

We have a fun one this Sunday afternoon gang. Warmachine has really taken off since the reboot of Mark II Prime thie January, and from across the country we are hearing reports of lots of enthusiastic players dipping thier toes in the Privateer Press waters in thier local FLGSs.
So today’s poll is a quick and fun one. We want to hear which Warmachine faction you are most enthralled with, and why. If you’ve already picked up an army, are an expert, or just like the look and feel of the faction’s models, lets hear who you chose and why.
Have fun guys and you don’t forget you can look up the skinny on these nations in the BoLS nation overviews. If you’ve been thinking about Warmachine, you should really give it a look, there is a lot of good rules, models and background in the system.