19th Hole – Tyranids – “ScuttleBugs”

We have new campaign that will be coming up at our store here in the next couple of months which should be fun. The campaign is going to be based on a Tyranid Genestealer cult, vs Eldar and Imperial Guard. I have decided to pick join the side of the Nids this year and been debating on some army ideas just for fun. I think this army list is the latest one I am going to use as not too many people ever play Gargoyles, or the Parasite of Mortrex in games.
2000 point “Scuttlebugs”
Parasite of Mortrex
Gargoyle brood with toxin sacs x 19
Gargoyle brood with toxin sacs x20
Hive Guard x3
Hive Guard x3
Ravener Brood x6 with rending claws
Tervigon with Scything talons and Catalyst
Termagant squad x10
Termagant squad x 10
Genestealer brood x12
Genestealer brood x12
Trygon Prime
Army Tactics
The basic idea behind the army is to have as much maneuver flexibility either through deep striking, scouts coming on the board from the sides and Trygon having troops coming out from the hole. The list is designed to at least be fun for me and will have some inherent weakness built into the list. It will have a hard time verse AV 13 and AV 14 vehicles as my only range weapons will be the Hive Guard but they are designed to hit transports and move from there. If I am facing a mechanized army I will have to get close and hope with the 6 Troop choices that I can tie them out in objectives or just tie them up in the game long enough that they won’t win either. The Parasite will be helpful for the gargoyles to give them a little bit of close combat ability and tank hunting while also being able to create Rippers in the back field. I have played a couple of games and created close to 40 Ripper Swarm bases with him before which was a personal record!
The list should be fun against most players and with enough skill you could hold your own against most armies out there plus with 100 models in your army roughly depending on the Rippers you create you will be around the whole game. Super assault armies can be an issue also but you should have the ability to engage them and time your assaults correctly for you to come on top. Now there are some ways you can change this list also with dropping the Trygons for Mawlocs and picking up eight Ripper Swarm bases for deep striking or changing the Hiveguard into three units for better fire control.
That is this week’s list, now remember you can tweak and change it if you want for a softer game and there are things you can do to make it harder but it’s your choice at the end to use it… Otherwise I’d love to hear your thoughts on its design as well as you own tweaks and advice. If you have any special codex requests for next week’s lists, let’s hear them or you can message me lists for discussions on the BoLS Lounge. Darkwynn out.