HOBBY: Converted Dark Elf Dreadlords

It’s been a long time since good ole Bigred has shown any of his conversions, and in the spirit of the upcoming Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition, its a great time to break out my converted Dreadlords.
Now Games Workshop does make a set of Dreadlords/Lords on foot, DarkSteed, and Cold One, but they never really had the look I wanted, or the wargear I was using. Luckily anyone who builds a Dark Elf army knows, you will have tons of extra bits left over from Corsairs, and maybe even Cold One Knights.
So with a bag of bitz from Corsairs, Knights, and a couple of borrowed Empire Horses, I cranked out these two here. One is my generic Dreadlord/Lord with a DarkSteed, heavy armor/shield/corsair cloak, and weapons. The other is the similarly equipped BSB.
The only tricky part of such a conversion is hollowing out the back of the Corsair cloaks to fit snuggly against the back of the Cold One Knight torso, but its not too bad. Any gaps in the model can be handled with the various and sundry hooks, knives, and other such do-dads that you can find on the Dark Elf sprues and its all ready for painting.
You can see more of my Dark Elf army here.
~A couple of hours of work and you get some custom Lord choices to fit exactly the wargear selections you desire. Have at it folks!