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Goatboy’s Special Character List Corner – Fabius Bile

3 Minute Read
Aug 26 2010
Warhammer 40K

Goatboy here again – with a Fabius Bile list for you guys to chew on. I’ve decided to start a series on taking a special character and building a list around him. Some of these lists might end up being pretty strong. Most of them will probably be alright for most game play. The idea is to try and create a list that is both Character Specific as well as interesting.

So for today’s first Special Character list I have decided to take a Character I like from the CSM codex – Fabius Bile.

So without further ado – Fabius Bile’s Legion of Mutation

Chaos Space Marine List – 1750 total points

HQ: Fabius Bile
Troops: Plague Marines (7), Plasma Gun X 2, Rhino
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (10), Meltagun X 2, Bile Upgrade, Icon of Khorne, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (10), Meltagun X 2, Bile Upgrade, con of Khorne, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (10), Flamer X 2, Bile Upgrade, Icon of Khorne, Asp Champ, Power Fist, Rhino
Heavy: Defiler, 2 X Xtra Combat Arms
Heavy: Defiler, 2 X Xtra Combat Arms
Heavy: Obliterators X 3

Tactics and Thoughts
So this is a heavy troop force designed around the idea that Fabius has created all these pieces for his initial Legion. I went with Mark of Khorne on the regular Chaos Marines as massed Str 10 Powerfists are pretty sweet. You get strength 10 at the min as your Aspiring champ becomes base Str 5. I went with two with dual meltaguns and one with dual flamers as a way to give a nice deal of options to your force. The plasma guns on your Plague Marines will do some good if you see massed 2+ armor saved guys. The Plague Marines are there for the army as a way to help keep Bile safe as he doesn’t pack a huge amount of punch.

For those interested the Bile upgrade gives your basic Chaos Space Marine troops a chance to have +1 to their strength. You roll a d6 at the beginning of the game, on a 1 your CSM get +1 strength but everyone model takes a wound, armor save as normal. On a 2-5 you just get +1 to Str. On a 6 your get +2 to Str but one model dies at the beginning of your turn. The upgrade also gives you Fearless so in a sense you become neat Cult marines. In a lot of ways you become “better” Khorne Bezerkers with superior special weapon options.

If you wanted to go to 2000 points you could look at adding a Daemon Prince as some kind of Bile converted bio-monster or maybe a crazy non marked Chaos Lord to run with Bile. A kind of protector if you will. You might need to drop an Obliterator but it is a an idea and a way to create a cool model for your collection, which is always a big plus for a Fabius list.

If you have a Special Character you want to see me use shoot me an email.  What do you think of the Chem-master’s warband?

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