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NEWS: Privateer Press looking for Playtesters!

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Aug 28 2010

Breaking news: Privateer Press is looking for new playtest groups!

Per David “DC” Carl’s recent “Privateer Insider” post, Privateer Press is looking for some new playtest groups.  While the initial models he’s asking groups to playtest are, shall we say, “sparkletactular” – this is a great chance for all you arm-chair developers to get your foot in the door playtesting.
So, how ’bout that Uniherd?  While the My-Little-Pony gag lost its humor somewhere around April 1st, this is a great chance for players to give their input on Warmachine/Hordes and better the game.  While I think its great to see a large players in the tabletop wargame market opening up its PT doors, several of my GW enthusiast friends feel this may lead to something on par with the “Sprarklepocalypse”.   What say you?

Author: Guest Columnist
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