40K RUMORS: Necron Early Tidbits

So the Necron chatter is starting to pick up a bit after years of little to nothing. Details on the Nectontyr after the jump:
All Immortal based models being redone. Because Destroyers, Lords, etc. were supposedly based on the immortal “chassis” and that has been redone “bigger”, its a cascade effect. However, skimmer body base not expect to change.
Immortals possible move to Troops choice.
New Elite options
Pariahs no longer 0-1
Additional C’Tan
Plastic Tomb Spyder box to make TS or variant.
AdvertisementNew fast attack MC
Pylon may make codex as heavy option
Not too shabby a set of rumors. Its just more chatter that seems to be in line with Necrons returning in mid-late 2011. Have at it.