EDITORIAL: Sore Losers and their Remedies
2 Minute Read
Sep 11 2010

The Emily Post of BoLS returns. This week: how to identify and avoid being a sore loser.
During a discussion at the last group gaming night we griped about sore losers – the many kinds and their behaviors. A few of the most seen types:
The “I Just Want to Have Fun, but Not Really” Sore Loser
These players approach a table with the idea of having fun in mind, but once they start losing they turn into broody excuse makers.
The “If Only” Sore Loser
You’ve heard them: “If only that spell didn’t go off, I would have kicked your a**!” or “If only my dice would have worked for me I would have won.” They lose and they blame everything but their bad tactics and poor gaming ethic.
The “Repeat Offender” Sore Loser
They lose, and automatically want a rematch to prove they can best you using the same tactics. Sometimes they repeat this over several games till they’re either too pissed off or they finally get the win they want. They never admit their tactics were the failure.
The “Back Talker” Sore Loser
They’re nice to your face, but talk sh*t about you to everyone like a catty high school girl.
How do you avoid being one of these?
1. Pick your opponents appropriately. Don’t look for a hobby game if your play style is more aggressive and vice versa. Let your opponent know if you play slowly or have any other issues before the game starts.
2. If you need to win to have fun don’t say you don’t care about winning. Be honest with yourself. It’s ok to like winning, it’s not ok to be a jerk about it.
3. Be polite and up front with an opponent if they’re doing something wrong. Don’t let them do something and gripe about it later. They may not even be aware that they’re in the wrong.
5. Accept that your tactics didn’t work – it’s not the dice, it’s not the weather, it’s not because you didn’t have your lucky underwear on. Change your tactics and try again.
6. Get over yourself. You aren’t the best ever. It’s ok.
Keep these things in mind the next time you game. Are you a sore loser? Are you willing to change?

Author: The Girl