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Games Day UK

4 Minute Read
Sep 26 2010

I’ll be updating this post throughout the day as soon as I get any information and I can get to a Wifi point! The very latest will be on my twitter feed, but better quality photos and more detailed info will appear here throughout the day.

New Dark Eldar


Imperial Armour 11 is certainly Eldar and an as yet unnamed Space Marine Chapter (Wolves perhaps). Phantom Titan sketch model was on display again. Some FW Ironclads, a new Land Raider Achilles with Thunderfire Cannon, Sponson Multimeltas and extra armour and Eldar Light Tanks. 



Warhammer Forge

Chaos Dwarfs!!! Also, the first book appears to be Empire vs Nurgle and perhaps the Chaos Dwarfs.



Forgeworld Seminar


Release schedule is as follows

  • IA 9 – Badab War 1
  • IA10 – Badab War 2
  • IA1 – Second Edition (Updated Rules inline with Codex Imperial Guard etc..)
  • IA Model Masterclass Volume 2
  • IA11 – Eldar vs Space Wolves, Cadians and Elysians

IA9 and 10 will have background for over a dozen marine chapters between them, and rules for various characters from them.

There is a new Eldar Aspect planned for IA11, called theShadow Spectre. It has a Fire-Prism-esque weapon that can combine fire, but obviously not quite as powerfully!

The Phantom is still a couple of months off completion.

Aeronautica is not going to be developped further, but the exisiting range will be remain.

I don’t think much else has come to light, but I may be wrong!


EDITOR’S NOTE:  I’d like us all to give Strangleweb a HUGE hand for working the convention floor to get the community all these breaking news and pics.  THANK YOU!!!

Dark Eldar CODEX COVER, SPRUES, CONCEPT ART, More in the Lounge here…GO! GO, GO!!!

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