Resistance or Why I Think Shatner is Better
2 Minute Read
Sep 25 2010

I will always think Shatner plays a better Kirk than Pine and William Petersen was a better CSI than Laurence Fishburne, which is why I’ll always be stuck on 7th.
I started playing WFB two years ago using 7th edition. It was my introduction to miniature wargaming. I had never played or seen anything like it. It wasn’t an easy thing for my brain to get, especially the arithmetic involved. Even with the obstacle of my math disability, it was fun to learn something entirely new. When I played at WargamesCon I felt a real sense of achievement.
With that in mind: I’m eyeing the massive 8th rulebook warily and the new rules that come with it – there are some great new things in there that manage to balance and streamline the game. It’s not that I don’t see how fun other systems like Warmachine and Firestorm Armada are. I’m just stuck in my ways, and learning a new system while cramming for exams and writing papers doesn’t look like as much fun as it was the first time around.
With 8th it’s less of a “that rule is stupid/bad” for me, it’s that I have to go through the painful process of willingly forgetting and relearning a bunch of stuff – a lot of it with math. Just when I had the complexities down and was really learning how to be a good tactician in 7th, everything gets changed. With other new systems it’s, well, starting over.
Yes, a lot of this comes down to the fact that I am a lazy gamer and a bit of a curmudgeon. I like things to work, and it’s annoying to have to relearn something I just got fully comfortable with. I’m not one of those that likes to dip her toes into a lot of different things, sacrificing depth of knowledge for a shallow breadth.
Do you resist moving on to new editions for your gaming systems for the same reasons? For those that have moved on: what do you find most effective in making the transition to new editions as effective and short as possible?

Author: The Girl