40k- Dred Mob 1850 Orky Mayhem Army List

I’m back again with my playtesting quest for a new competitive Ork army. Right now I am still on the fence about what I’ll be running at Mechanicon this year. So I tried out a Dred Mob army list today out against my Mech Imperial Guard, and it did quite well, which could mean good things for the list in the current 40k “Mech” Meta.
Here is what I ran;
- Big Mek with Kustom Force Field
- Ghazghkull Thraka
- 8x Lootas
- 8x Lootas
- 19 Grots w/ Runt Herder
- 30x Boyz + Nob with Claw
- 30 Boyz + Nob with Claw
- 30 Boyz + Nob with Claw
- Deff Dread w/ 4 CCW Armor Plates, and Grot Riggers
- Deff Dread w/ 4 CCW Armor Plates, and Grot Riggers (troop slot)
- 3x Killer Kans Grotzooka, CCW
- 3x Killer Kans Grotzooka, CCW
- Warbuggy w/ Twin Linked Rokkits
- Warbuggy w/ Twin Linked Rokkits
The mission was objectives, and deployment was Spearhead. Basically how I set up was just lined the Kans and Dreds around the 12″ pushback from the center, with the KFF attached to a big boyz squad and within 6″ of all armor. Then I staggered the boyz in there around them, and left the two small Loota squads in the middle of the boyz, with room for them to walk though the Lootas when they moved. One Boyz Squad came on from reserves, and the Rokkit Buggies shot out from the flank to take shots on the Chimera side arcs, and screen the reserve Boyz.
The army closed fast and furious, but we didn’t get to finish cause the shop got busy.
What do you think of the list so far? I love the 35pt buggies!!!