40K Open Thread: The Trusty Tactical Squad???

Bigred here with this weekend’s open thread for you all. Lets talk about that meat and potatoes lynch pin of the Adeptus Astartes, the dog-standard Tactical Squad.
First off lets take a look as some of the basics of this squad. In the Space marine codex, you get all kinds of incentives in the way of free weapon options for taking the squad at full size. There are quite a few options in there for the Sergeant, and by the time you tool it up and add in a transport you will often be pushing the low 200s point wise.
Weapon wise, I’ve encountered players of every stripe who all swear by their own “secret recipe” for what combo of special and heavy is the key for victory. Everything from old Rogue Trader Missile Launcher/Flamer (now free) combo, to Multi-Melta/Melta vehicle killer loudouts, to anti-infantry Heavy Bolter/Flamer combos and all the others there doesn’t seem to a wrong choice (especially with combat squads to help break up your weapon targets).
My big question however is are you folks really getting your value out of the trusty Tactical Squad on the tabletop? Yes they are scoring, but with 1 attack each and the bog standard bolter, the days of Tac Squads taking names seems to be fading into the distance as these guys get overshadowed by just about every other unit in the codex except scouts.
So the floor is yours. How do you think Tacticals are faring in this point in the game and how do you equip and use them in your armies? Massed boots on the ground, only a tiny amount to claim rear objectives, or something in between?