40K-WFB NEWS: New Scenery and End of Year Mystery
So a couple of little items to keep us on our toes as we look ahead to the holiday season. New scenery kits and an intriguing mystery after the jump.
First up, some retailers are reporting having received word of the following two items slated for a November 20th release.
New WFB Scenery Kits: November 20th
Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery $66.00
Dreadstone Blight $29.75
No other word at all on these, but that first one has a High Elves ring to it don’t you think?
Holiday Mystery Releases
Next up is scattered chatter that Games Workshop may break from tradition of only offering holiday bundles in December and throw in some new releases for some of the existing armies out there to sweeten the holiday pot. Current speculation is a possible Eldar release (jetbikes seem to be the usual suspect), or perhaps a Fantasy set of goodies to go with the Skaven being highlighted via Island of Blood.
This type of thing would be more followup on the new talk of GW decoupling minis releases a bit from codex releases as we talked about after the last Craftworld Eldar releases some months ago.
In any case, we should know soon. What surprise minis do you want Santa to drop in your lap this December?