40k Model Review: Forge World Grot Tanks
3 Minute Read
Dec 29 2010

Forge World released their Grot Tanks a while back to much fan fare among the Ork community but how many non green skins have taken a look at these little gems?
Contents: This kit comes with enough parts to build 4 grot tanks, one of which is the command tank.
- 4 sets of tracks
- 4 hulls
- 4 turrets with hatches
- 5 guns
- Big Shoota
- Rokkit
- Grotzooka – including a bucket of “ammo”. Scrap bucket
- Skorcha – including fuel cell
- Zzap Gun – including “worky” bits
- 7 exhaust bits
- 4 crew members
- 1 megaphone for the command tank
Quality: The casting quality is typical of Forge World. It can be hit or miss with them but on the plus side they are VERY good at replacing any bad castings in a timely manner free of charge. You will commonly see warped pieces that look like they were de-molded too soon. These are easy to fix with hot water or a hair dryer. Less common are broken or miscast pieces which will require a call/email to FW to get the piece replaced.
6 out of 10 Stars
Value: The grot tanks are an exceptionally value, especially given Forge World’s premium prices. At just around $20 each, $80 for the set of 4, these are actually cheaper than the hideous ork buggy. The kits are highly customizable, any set of tracks will work with any hull which will work with any turret and any gun will work with any turret. This means there are a huge number of possible builds you can do with this one kit. Not only that but the small turrets from the Battle Wagon kit will also work with this kit. The one drawback is that the kit comes with one of each type of weapons other wise it would have received 10 Stars.
9 out of 10 Stars
Look/Feel: The look and feel of the Grot Tanks is superb. They have a great cobbled together, ramshackle feel to them that exudes green skin construction. There is so much detail its hard to describe it. I love the way they did them and would love to own more.
9 out of 10 Stars
Additional Comments: Some people may complain that they can’t be used in tournament games but they actually work great as wartracks. In friendly games you find your opponent has no problem allowing you to field them as Grot Tanks as well. One drawback is that the kit comes with one of each type of weapon so if you want a uniform unit you will have to trade or make you own weapons. I found the grotzookas to be a great selection. It looks like a wee little battle cannon and shoots the small blast template. Plus at 2 shots each they can be very deadly. They also have the option of a pintle mounted shoota which amuses me as well. 🙂
There is also an Apocalypse data sheet for those ork generals who want to field a large mob of Grot Tanks.
Example of painted Grot Tanks:
Command Tank
So what do you think? Comments appreciated.

Author: Billy Pistole