40K Open Thread – What’s Hot Post Dark Eldar?

So you’re stumbling around the house in your post-Christmas haze. As you look back over the past few weeks and the hordes of Dark Eldar zipping around tabletops worldwide – you’ve noticed a subtle change. The meta is shifting under our feet…
Today’s open thread is on trends, and in particular I want to hear from you folks all over the world. What is hot on tabletops right now? A year ago it was IG Leafblower, then the Wolves arrived and “Thunder-Fangs” builds emerged to harass players everywhere. The Blood Angels had a short lived if potent window of fear and loathing, before the Kabals returned to us after a twelve year hiatus.
Its a tricky landscape out there and I want to know what you guys think the new top armies and builds are. For this thread, lets put the mathhammer down for a bit and instead focus on first hand eyewitness reporting. What are you folks using and seeing out there that is just ruling the wasteland, and what are you doing to stop it?
-I’ll start things off. In our neck of the woods, we’re still seeing mech IG holding their own after a year on top, but they are beginning to be challenged by fast Raider based Dark Eldar backed up by plenty of 2nd line blaster and haywire equipped units to lock down enemy armor in isolated sections of the board until the assaulters on on top of them. The Wolves as usual are also holding their own.