40K RUMORS: The Latest Grey Knight Tidbit from BoK

The last bit of the Blood of Kittens Grey Knights rumors have broken… More after the jump.
Remembered something about 2000 point armies being about 20 models well this is what I mean…
The reason I held this last leak back is for no other reason than my idealized vision of what Space Marines have always been thematic depicted as. The fluff is filled with stories of Heroic deeds suck things like 10 marines holding back whole armies. This is the first unit that I feel is starting to get to that point of fluff becomes table top reality.
Grey Knights will be see the return of the 2 wound terminator. These new elite terminators will have 2 wounds and FNP and access to all the upgrades and options of all GKT in the codex. To make things more interesting one special character can make these terminators troop choices. What remains to be seen is if they will get Eternal Warrior…
~Going back and looking at my 1st Edition 40k Compendium, when the Grey Knights were first rolled out, they had 1 wound, and could be led by 1,2 or 3 wound heroes. So an entire squad of 2-wound GK termys would be something new. Something new and awesome… if true. Eat your hearts out Nob Bikers… More can be read on all of this in the Lounge here. Have at it folks