POLL: Choose Mantic’s Khaos Dwarf Studio Paint Scheme – VOTE!

So, who hasn’t gotten a chance to check out Mantic’s newly unveiled Khaos Dwarf planstic range? Well Ronnie wants you BoLS readers to help him choose the final paintscheme for the studio army. What are you waiting for?
Here we see closeups of the two schemes in question. So by all mean, go vote in the poll (below the post) and make your opinion known. We hear Mantic may have even more goodies headed down the pipe for all you loyal BoLS readers, so stay tuned.
~I have to say that I’m really liking what I’m seeing coming out of Mantic of late. The Khaos Dwarfs when released will bring their plastic ranges up to four, and Alessio’s free Kings of War ruleset is a very 21st century style of wargaming marketing model. I like what this says about the future of wargaming and the added consumer choice is never a bad thing.