REVIEW: Warlord Games WWII 28mm Germans.
Hi everyone, CrazyRedPraetorian here with a review of some not so brand new 28mm German Army plastics from Warlord Games. They are part of the Bolt Action WW2 range. First of all my apologies for the lateness of this reiew, I’m a slow painter 🙂
About two months ago, Big Red asked me if I would give a go at something other than 40K. The idea of a larger scale WWII based game appealed to me. Needless to say I jumped at the chance and then life happened. It took me a lot longer to do these minis than I thought. I was very impressed with the sculpts and the plastic quality. However, the switch to 28mm true scale kind of threw me. The arms and guns are very…..petite. Not a fault of Warlord Games at all, it just threw me a bit after years of Games Workshop Heroic scale is all and is an inherent trait of this models.
The quality of the minis was definitely above average and the kit came with a ton of options. There are different load outs for weapons, heads, and back packs, pistols, you name it. My only complaint was that one of the rifles came with a broken barrel. But given the scale it is understandable, and luckily the sprues give you tons of spare weapons. I think Warlord Games made the right decision going with the true scale 28mm. It will give that realistic look that most historical players strive for. Just a heads up, if you are used to heroic scale ala GW be prepared to learn some new hobby skills like using a precision razor blade instead of a hobby knife. The troop box is a very challenging kit but a ton of fun. I found myself wishing that I had more to assemble and paint as I was finishing this batch.
Overall, I have to give Warlord Games an F. An F for FANTASTIC that is, because as I said these kits were both an absolute blast and I can see myself painting a 200 model army of these little guys. At 25 models with full equipment options for 20 pounds sterling, what’s not to like? I am really looking forward to seeing how the Bolt Action WW2 range will continue to develop.
Thanks for reading…. Now Go Roll Some Dice!!!