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Warmachine/Hordes: Video Battle Report – Ashlynn v. Makeda

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Dec 23 2010

Thanks to the advent of new-fangled cellphone technology (and a wife who is very tolerant of my technology fetish), I’ve done a video battle report featuring my Ashlynn army: Vive le RĂ©sistance!  Local player, Marc was kind enough to throw his wall of Defender’s Ward-ed Cetrati at me to see if I could deal with it.  Have a look!

It’s worth nothing that for the second time I neglected to take the Bokur that was in this list.  I had the card out and everything.  In retrospect, Epic Eiryss would have served me much better (as I had previously suspected).  Guess who I’m painting up next?

Thank goodness Cetrati are so expensive, else I would have seen Molik Karn or the damned Bronzeback in this game.  Let us know what you think, people!

Author: relasine
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