40K Open Thread: Flyers

Hi folks. So we are all hearing about this “summer of flyers” in the rumormill. So lets talk about what that might mean for the game.
First off, we have two varying concepts for rulesets that are best personified in the generic flyer ruleset from Apocalypse and the more restrained fast skimmer codex versions we see in the rules for Valkyrie and Dark Eldar aircraft.
The big question is what level of movement the design studio would want flyers to have as well as their level of protection from groundfire. On the one hand the Apoc rulessets run 50%-100% more in points than their 40K codex counterparts, but have the ability to move anywhere on the board, and are protected by the “only hit on a 6” defensive buffs among others.
So here’s the usual suspects that might round out a stable of roughly 7 flyers:
Valkyrie – IG
Stormraven – Marines
Thunderbolt – Imperium
Hellblade – Chaos
Barracuda – Tau
Nightwing – Eldar
Phoenix – Eldar
Razorwing – Dark Eldar
Voidraven – Dark Eldar
Fighta-Bomma -Orks (DOH! – forgot to add it)
Sorry Tyranids…
So what do you want to see in flyers for the game? Do you think they even have a place in a standard sized games, and what type of game mechanics would you like them to follow to give them a unique feel? How fast, and how hard to being down should they be? Finally how does one integrate them into things like missions and objectives?
Once models are in the game, they are not taken back, so its very possible flyers could be a part of the core rules in 6th edition. The floor is open folks.