40K Sneak Peek : Stormraven Sprue Pics!

Look what’s been breaking across the net in the last few hours. We’ve seen a couple of pics of the Stormraven fully assembled before, but here is a full set of sprue pictures of the upcoming Blood Angel and Grey Knight flying transport.
Stormraven Sprue 2 Pic (hull, engines)
Stormraven Sprue 3 Pic (weapons, tail)
Stormraven Sprue 4 Pic (wings)
Stormraven Sprue 5 Pic (canopy)
Some thoughts after taking a look.
– There are icons for both the Blood Angels and the Grey Knights on those sprues. So its a kit meant for both codices.
– It looks like all the weapon options are on there based on the Blood Angels codex, and I would expect the Grey Knights one to have consistant options based on the kit.
– The landing gear are pretty long
– The main engine nacelles are much larger and beefier that the previous pictures indicated, so there would seem to be some heft to the rear parts of the vehicle under the exposed wings.
Thoughts? I’m still getting a brick – fantail goldfish vibe off the whole thing. You can also check out the Lounge thread on it here.