40K: The Rock has Returned to Caliban!

It’s been a very long time coming, but at long last the First Legion/Chapter – The Dark Angels have returned to the fray.
Dark Angels, focused primarily on the Deathwing has been my favorite army for a very long time now. It was my third army, after Tau and some Tyranids that were given to me. It reigned as my primary army all the way up to when the newest Dark Angel codex came out (and even a few months afterwords). I tried desperately to get the army to work, but it was just too much to overcome. Fifth Edition was the final nail in the Dark Angels coffin. I still bring my Deathwing out once in a while for fun and had been trying more recently to bring back a foot version, but it had no chance in any competitive environment.
Until a couple days ago… All the wondering why Games Workshop would have not granted the other Space Marines access to the new rules for common equipment has passed. But the Dark Angels are still not out of the woods. They didn’t address all of the negatives.
Here’s an 1850pt pure Deathwing list I’ve been playing with:
Belial, Thunderhammer/Storm Shield
Upgraded Terminators, 4 Thunderhammer/Storm Shield, 1 Lightning Claws, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary, Standard
Terminators, 3 Thunderhammer/Storm Shield, 1 Lightning Claws, 1 Chain Fist/Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Terminators, 3 Thunderhammer/Storm Shield, 1 Lightning Claws, 1 Chain Fist/Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Terminators, 3 Thunderhammer/Storm Shield, 1 Lightning Claws, 1 Chain Fist/Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Crusader
Venerable Dreadnought, Multi-melta, Extra Armor, Drop Pod
This list takes advantage of many of the changes that were made. All the Storm Shields makes the list very survivable and hard hitting. I think the general strength is the cyclones are able to project enough firepower to deal with threats as the squads approach for some quality hammertime, protected from low AP fire behind the stormshields.
I am really looking forward to dusting off my Deathwing and probably adding more to it. I might even bring it to a tournament or two! Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?!
~Any other old school Dark Angel players breaking their armies out with the release of the new FAQ? Anyone building NEW Dark Angel armies with the new rules? I for one am very excited. How do you guys think the Dark Angels place now in the metagame and how do you think they will fare against the common net-lists out there?