40k: Yme-Loc Commemorative Eldar Army Update
2 Minute Read
Jan 2 2011

Things are afoot since the donated Eldar army arrived. today I’ll ring in the new year with a short update..and photos!
Psyberwolfe completed a color test model, and I couldn’t be happier with what he produced based on our discussion two weeks ago. It’s got a great worn in, dusty look to it. He will be posting a how-to article later this week for anyone that’s interested. He also took home a box of Harlequins to work on.
Parceling Out the Units
Minusthe6 went home with a bunch of Scorpions. I sent a Bonesinger up north with one of my WarGames Con WFB opponents, Arica. Her freehand work is amazing, and I’m glad she’s lending her talents. I’m working on getting my Dire Avengers glued so I can start painting before I go back to school.
The Road Ahead
Things are coming together. I’m looking forward to what my community comes up with in the next few months, and fielding these models with some super heavies I plan on acquiring this summer (Yme-Loc is known for their super-heavies after all). This project has definitely made me more interested in the hobby than I have been in a long time, which has spread to some others out there. I was glad to hear that the army’s previous caretaker has also taken up the hobby once again.
I look forward to sharing this Army’s journey with you all and welcome all your thoughts, and comments as well as your own projects for the new year. Hopefully none of you are still nursing hangovers from Friday. Here’s to a great year!

Author: The Girl