A Love Letter to the Gamers

Before I worked at an FLGS I had no idea what miniature wargaming was about. I got hired on to do inventory while between temp jobs. I left two years later with some friends I would have never met otherwise, and a new appreciation for a hobby that the populace tends to find geeky and pointless.
There are some folks that fit the stereotypical gamer profile: smelly, dateless, still lives with parents, etc. I’ve found these to be few and far between in the core gaming group here in Austin. We have parents, husbands, successful businessmen, and students. They just happen to choose to spend their free time pushing little, plastic army guys around a table instead of playing poker, fantasy football, or whatever society is deeming acceptable these days. Yes, there are some a**hats, but they’re not who I’m writing about.
To the Austin community at large… you all rock. I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of people to play and hang out with. You accepted a newbie – a chick, at that – into the fold without being judgmental. You’ve provided a rich source to learn from, and a lot of laughs. I’m glad to know all of you.
Minusthe6… thank you for hiring me and getting me started in all of this.
Rabscutle… your “that one time I was gaming and…” stories are the best.
BigRed… thank you for the space and all of the Eldar history.
JWolf… thank you for enduring the pink Deamon project, and running great tourney.
Psyberwolfe… the things you’ve done for the Eldar project are phenomenal.
The staff at Dragon’s Lair… you provide a wonderful place to game and hang out.
Those I’ve played games with in the last 2 years… thanks, it was fun.
You… yes, you. Thank you for playing, and letting everyone get to know bits and pieces about who you are through comments and the lounge. And thank you for reading. Even if you think I’m a hack 🙂
We choose this hobby for more than the glory of winning – if that were the case, we’d all be sitting in front of gaming consoles alone at home. I think a big part of why we choose this hobby is for the people, the interaction over a table. It’s certainly why I choose it over playing Fallout on Thursday nights. How about you?
Share the love and appreciation – tell us about some of the great people that make up your gaming community. Who are you glad to know? Who has made you a better gamer, maybe even a better person?