Goatboy’s 40k Nonsense – First post of the Year

Goatboy here again – wanting to say Happy New Year to my Herd. Or whatever you want to call yourselves. So with this being my first of the year post lets go into my New Year Resolutions for this year – 40k style.
Resolution # 1 – Finish my Tyranid Army!!!
I got all the pieces but a client’s Tyranid order knocked them to the wayside. Normally when I work on something I won’t paint my stuff that matches the army. So the Nid army went to the wayside as I painted more and more Ice Nids. I am hoping to get some time this year with the upcoming “rumored” Nid second wave releases. For the love of Pete just give me a Tervigon/Tyrannofex please.
Resolution # 2 – Finish my Dark Eldar Army!!!
This is a given as I am almost done with a Dark Eldar army now. Of course the army was a white army – which matches my own scheme of purple and white. This one is almost done and I am about ready to start on my Foot Dark Eldar horde. Yup – Dark Footdar or whatever nonsense the intertubes are calling it. Now if I could only have a cool Avatar that made me not scared of stuff.
Resolution #3 – Clean up my game.
I had a few months of overall lack of playing and it really dirtied up my game. I am planning on a cleaning it up a bit and become the Great Goatboy once again. This will hopefully mean less mistakes and an overall better record. My schedule is better now and I have more time to throw dice and take names for the Great list of the Goat.
Resolution #4 – Lose some Weight.
I know that gaming isn’t exactly helpful to weight loss but I need to drop some pounds. I don’t want my baggie jeans to become skinny jeans as I fill them out too much. This year I plan on trying to get back into shape and a lot of healthier. I don’t need any moobies knocking over my plastic dudemens.
Resolution #5 – Get to more Tournaments.
This is really dependent on my schedule next year as I might be going on a long trip overseas. So will see. But I plan on trying to make more events as well as Las Vegas as I want to give GW one try at this Throne of Skulls/Death/Whatever thing.
Resolution #6 – Play more.
I know this coincides with the cleaning up my game but I really just need to play more. The more I play the less likely I will be bamboozled by some new army, rule, or tactic.
Resolution #7 – Amp up my painting.
I took a class this last year that was pretty awesome and I felt it really helped me look at painting in a new way. It let me take all my years of art school and combine those thoughts and ideas into a style that I like. I know the style can be refined more and more and that is my plan this coming year. So look for a much more focused painter Goatboy. Who would have thought I could hold a brush with my hooves eh?
Resolution #8 – Meet more readers.
I try to talk to everyone I can whenever I hit an event and hope to continue this trend next year. If you see my chunky butt come and say hi. Or yell at me. Whatever floats your boat.